The Greatest Joy on Earth

By |2019-06-20T23:08:26-05:00June 19th, 2019|Blog|

The Greatest Joy on Earth

There’s a song we sing sometimes in Christian Students on Campus (CSOC) that calls meeting with other Christians “the greatest joy on earth.” To me, something about the combination of “greatest” with “on earth” immediately signals hyperbole—exciting and impressive, but untrue. I don’t often question whether products labeled the […]

Combating Loneliness

By |2017-07-26T23:19:19-05:00April 20th, 2017|Blog|

You’re standing in the corner of a room filled with conversation and laughter. You see your friends clustered in the middle of the room, surrounded by more people. You see smiles, casual hair flips; you hear words about someone’s dog and someone else’s science class. You mumble something, then hold your breath. Nobody seems to notice. You say it again, louder […]


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